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Our Values & Our Plans

Learning ~ Engagement ~ Community

A message from our CEO

Welcome to Mansfield Adult Community Education.

Our organisation has been a major community education provider in the North East region of Victoria since 1975. 

We provide training for young people, older adults, people returning to learning, the general community, people with a disability, workplaces and businesses. Our training programs include nationally-accredited qualifications, pre-accredited programs, compliance training and a range of leisure and lifestyle programs. 

In addition to our training programs, we provide

Community Development programs.

The Mansfield Adult Community Education Centre is also a registered Services Australia Agency. We hope the communities of North-East Victoria find our courses and services of interest and assistance and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Kylie Richards
Chief Executive Officer 

Strategic Plan


Enriching lives through learning, engagement and community programs


Delivery of diverse community-driven programs and services







Strategic Pillars

As a community-owned and values-driven provider, we need to remain responsible and agile in all that we do. To drive our future direction, we have developed four key strategic pillars...




Trees and Cliff

(business & environment)

  1. Ensure appropriate structures and policies are in place

  2. Monitor and evaluate the social impact our activities have on our people and community

  3. Maintain all aspects of compliance across all sectors of the business

  4. Ensure we maintain an excellent reputation

  1. Develop and maintain/revise an Engagement and Participation plan

  2. Revise communications and marketing strategies

  3. Encourage community-led opportunities

  4. Actively promote our services to the community

  1. Aim to become the recognised ‘Community Relationship Hub’ in Mansfield

  2. Develop strategies for partner engagement and leverage

  3. Devise processes designed to bridge the technical / digital divide

  1. Maintain Financial viability through careful planning, budgeting and monitoring

  2. Identify opportunities that will strengthen and/or grow core business

  3. Improve education and awareness raising on climate change mitigation, adaption, and impact reduction

  4. Implement sustainable practices in daily operations where possible

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